Board of Directors
Crestline Sanitation District is governed by a five member Board of Directors, each elected to a four-year term. The Board of Directors holds regular meetings once a month, every second Thursday at 3:00 p.m. — in the Meeting Room at 24516 Lake Drive, Crestline, unless otherwise noted on the meeting agenda. Special and continued meetings are held as needed.
District elections are held every two years in November on even-numbered years. Elections are consolidated with the statewide election. Each Board Member is elected at large, for a four-year term. Terms are staggered, with two terms expiring in one even-numbered year, and three terms expiring the following even-numbered year. Candidates for the District Board must be registered voters and reside within the boundaries of the Crestline Sanitation District.
The County Elections Office is the Election Officer for the District and conducts the election. Nomination papers may be obtained from and election questions directed to:
San Bernardino County Elections Office
777 E. Rialto Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92415